jQuery Testing Team planning wiki
This wiki is intended to plan the roadmap and tasks for the jQuery testing team. The testing team covers the development of QUnit, TestSwarm and related tools for continous integration, helping projects use and integrate these and promote their usage.
You can find us on IRC/Freenode
- bi-weekly in #jquery-meeting Thursdays, Noon EST (9am PST, 6pm GMT+2), iCal feed here
- outside of that in #jquery-dev
Look for jzaefferer and Krinkle.
You can find bi-weekly updates about what's happening on jquery.org (usually notes from the meeting).

QUnit is already widely used and probably one of the most popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks. QUnit is focused on browser-based unit testing, but it can be used for various other purposes (performance regression testing) and within other enviroments (nodejs) as well.
TestSwarm is used by the jQuery project itself for jQuery Core, jQuery UI, jQuery Mobile, jQuery Color and QUnit. Unlike QUnit, it does require some server configurations, check the README for details.
There are now a few tools available that make integration into Jenkins pretty easy (node-testswarm) as well as integration into BrowserStack (testswarm-browserstack). In Automated Distributed Continuous Integration for JavaScript can you get an overview of the setup the jQuery projects use for continues integration testing.
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