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Saved by Evan Vandegriff
on September 20, 2011 at 10:05:53 pm

jQuery Testing Team planning wiki


This wiki is intended to plan the roadmap and tasks for the jQuery testing subteam. The testing subteam covers the development of QUnit and TestSwarm, helping projects use and integrate these and promote their usage.


In general, the subteam needs more contributors - right now its just Jörn working on stuff. We're hoping to make it more clear what needs to get done via this wiki, to find contributors and define tasks. We'll probably start doing somewhat regular meetings, too, once there are a few people that would attend.


You can find weekly updates about what's happening on jquery.org.



QUnit is already widely used and probably one of the most popular JavaScript unit testing frameworks. While unit testing isn't covered by analytics like builtwith.com, a search on GitHub.com for QUnit results in 83 repositories and ~89.000 sourcecode matches. Another popular framework is Jasmine, with 180 repositories and ~37.000 sourcecode matches.

When searching for "javascript unit testing", the top-result is jsunit.net, which isn't maintained anymore (the site recommends to use Jasmine instead). The other results are mostly blog posts or SO questions pointing to QUnit. There should be a qunitjs.com result in there...





TestSwarm is used by the jQuery project itself for jQuery Core and jQuery UI, by appendTo for Amplify.js, also by Aloha Editor. Unlike QUnit, its not easy to get started with it, so there's a lot of potential to lower the inital barrier.





There are several cross-project task to tackle, like testing jquery-git against jqueryui-git on TestSwarm, or at least for all jQuery releases. Once that is in place, also against more projects, like jQuery Mobile, Wijmo, popular plugins.


Kickoff Meeting

There's gonna be a kickoff meeting sometime soon, on IRC (Freenode #jquery-meeting) or Skype, depending on the number of people interested.

If you want to join, put your name on this list (you have to request access to the wiki, if you've got a pbworks account for the jQuery UI wiki, you can reuse that).

Jörn is gonna ping people to figure out a good time for the actual meeting. If you don't have his Skype contact, consider adding him (mention testing tools, username joern.zaefferer)

  • Katie Gengler
  • Carl Furrow
  • Jens Verneuer
  • Richard D. Worth
  • Mark Roxberry
  • Justin Obara 
  • Timo Tijhof 
  • Jonathan Sharp
  • Evan Vandegriff 

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